Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Crusades Article.

Here is the article we read in class.

Why do schools require us to learn about the Crusades?

How are the Crusades like our current conflict in Iraq and Afgahanistan?

How might President Barrack Obama use the history lessons taught by the Crusades?


Anonymous said...

I think they teach the Crusades because it shows that what is happening now in the 21st century. the Christians and the muslims are still enemies today.

Barack Obama could use the Crusades
as a history lesson. I hope he could be as principled as Balian was in the movie. Balian always did the right thing no matter how the right thing affected him this is what we all should do.

Anonymous said...

they teach the crusades so that way its easier to understand the war in iraq.

america is a country that is mostly christians and iraq is a muslum country its like what happened in the crusades

Barack obama could use it to understand whats happening now more both wars are complex but still wrong

Anonymous said...

1. They teach us about the Crusades because they would need it in the future to pass tests and it helps us understand the war today.
2.It is like the Crusades because both sides think that they are right and one side is the attacker and the other is the defender like the Catholic Crusaders and the Muslim Defenders.
3.Obama could use it to understand that what he is doing might be wrong because the Crusaders did fail. Still, the Muslims let them stay in Jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

Schools require us to learn about the crusades because so that I can be an easier way to learn about the wars that are going on now.

I will agree with Jose when he said 'America is a country that is mostly Christians and Iraq is a Muslim country'. I will agree because it is true and because America is fighting in a war rite now with Iraq and Afghanistan.

Brack Obama could use what happened in the crusades and compare it to what is happening now. What happened in the crusades and what’s happening now is very similar.

delete my first one that i sent.

Anonymous said...

1) they teach this because we need to understan the past so we understand whats going on now.
2)i agree with Jose for number 2. America is mostly christian and Iraq is muslim
3)Barack Obama can use what happened in the Crusades to help him now beacause the two things are very similar.

Anonymous said...

1) they teach this because we need to understan the past so we understand whats going on now.
2)i agree with Jose for number 2. America is mostly christian and Iraq is muslim
3)Barack Obama can use what happened in the Crusades to help him now beacause the two things are very similar.

Anonymous said...

Schools require us to learn about the crusades because it shows that now we have a war similar to what happened during the 21st century.

I agree with Jose. Here in America we have mostly christians and in Iraq and Afghanistan there are muslim people. During the crusades the muslim and christians were fighting basically history is repeating itself.

President Barack Obama could use the crusades as an example of what is going on today. He should feel after learning about the Crusades that what he is doing now is a huge mistake. He should stop the war that is going on now.

Anonymous said...

1. I believe the Social Studies teachers teach us about the crusades so that we get the full understanding of how the crusades lead up to our moment and time.
2. Crusades are like our current war with Iraq. I say this because in the crusades it was between the Christians and the Muslims for religion territory. Thou our war isn't for religion territory if you go by the religions of the troops on both side it might seem like that.
3. Barack Obama could use it to show young America how the wars (crusades) in the older times are very similar to war in several ways and he would probably tell us how we can help with our war efforts.

Anonymous said...

I think schools teach us about the Crusades so that we can have a better understanding about what's happening right now, as in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. '

The Crusades are like the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan in a way because the Crusades was about the Muslims and the Christians, and America is a nation that has a bigger percent of Christians, and Iraq and Afghanistan are countries that have mainly Muslims.

President Barack Obama can use the history lessons taught by the crusades to help him realize that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are very similar to the Crusades, and might go on forever, and never accomplish or never be finished.

Anonymous said...

they teach us about the crusades because the crusades are very similar to the war happening now. so it helps us to better understand it.

the crusades are just like the conflict in the middle east because the catholic crusaders and the muslim defender are just like USA and Iraq

I think President Barrack Obama can use this History lesson to better understand the war happening now in the Middle East

Anonymous said...

We are required to learn about the Crusades because what ahppened before is still goign on right now. We can learn from them and also its the same Christians VS Muslims.

I agree with Anand because like he said there are attackers and defenders. The catholics were the one attacking and the Muslims were defending.

He could use that information. For example when teh christians went to Jerusalem, while goign there they lost many of their own men. So he has to take care of the Army and the United States.

Anonymous said...

1) They teach us about the Crusades because we would have a better understanding in what is happening now in Iraq.

2) Both sides are made up of Catholics and Muslims. The Muslims destroyed the church so after the Catholics got a new and better one they wanted revenge. Al-Qaeda went to destroy the twin towers and the pentagon. After the horrible disaster, the Catholics (being most of the U.S.) wanted to get back at them. Kinda like the Catholics from the crusades. Neither side was right or wrong.

3) Barrack Obama could use this to understand more about the wars. He would use this so he would be able to make the right decisions that would finally put the war at rest.

Anonymous said...

In schools,they teach you about the Crusades so that kids can get a better understanding of the war in Iraq because they are very similar.
The Crusades are like our current conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan because the United States are like the Catholic Crusaders and Iraq and Afghanistan are like the Muslim Defenders.
President Barack Obama might use the history lessons taught by the Crusades to probably plan his next moves in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also he can see what worked in the Crusades and what didn't work so he can plan his next move right.

Anonymous said...

Schools require us to learn about the crusades because its one of things we a likely to be tested about it is also has a sort connection to the wars we are in now.

The war in Iraq and Afghanistan are both with Muslim countries as was the crusades versus Muslims. America is a country of many different races but it was created with Christian principles so as in the crusades it is basically Christians Vs. Muslims. Also i agree with what Adrian said about the Muslims destroying the church which was one of the reason that the crusades started and in modern time the Twins Towers was a reason for starting the war with Afghanistan.

Barrack Obama can use the history lessons to see what worked most effectively during the wars which should trying to make peace hopefully to end the wars

Anonymous said...

1) I believe that schools require teachers to teach the Crusades because it can give students an insight about the causes and effects of past, present and future wars. The events that happened in the Crusades can help students predict and understand wars better.

2) The Crusades are like the current conflicts the United States is facing with Iraq and Afgan because different religions are fighting for power, land and control of the other.

3) President Barrack Obama can use the history lessons taught by the Crusades to realize that wars benefit no one. The Crusades can teach him that wars with such causes can only destroy more or remain the same. In war such as the Crusades no one is truly a winner unless they attempt to the settlement of peace.

Anonymous said...

1)Schools require us to learn about the Crusades because its part of our history. Everyone needs to know what goes on in our world. We also need to know about the Crusades because they will ask questions about it in our regions exam. We can prevent many wars if were able to understand each other.

2)Crusades are like our current conflict in Iraq and Afgahnastan. I agree with Anand that we are the attackers and Iraq is the defenders because were going over there as foreign people and invading their land. In both situations there was something that triggered us to go there as attackers. In the Crusades the catholic church was destroyed by a few muslims and that made the Catholics go and attack the Muslims. In the U.S vs Iraq war we thought that Iraq destroyed the World Trade Center but it was the terrorists who destroyed it. This caused us to go there and attack them.

3)Barack Obama can use the history lessons taught by the crusades because in the movie the Muslim army was too big and they kept killing alot of the Catholics so when the number of Catholics in the army dropped Balian surrendured. His goal was to serve the king and protect the people. So Barack Obama can prevent the deaths of many Americans. Iraq has some advantages because they are fighting on their terrain just like the Muslim army.

Anonymous said...

I think that that they teach the crusades becuase we need to understand the fued between muslims and the christians.
The christians and the muslims fought because they each wanted the holy land and it is the same now because they want a certain land.
Barack obama can use it to help stop war because it is wrong, they can compromise.

Anonymous said...

They teach the crusades because that's what happen during that time. It always was the right thing to do.

It relates to our current war because it's Muslims vs Christians. That's how it's related.

He can use it in a positive way. As a history lesson he can use them and talk about doing the right thing

Anonymous said...

i agree with hemaalya and jose because learning about the crusades helps us open our eyes and opinions to the real world right now where two wars are taking place.

the crusades is similar to the wars we are in now because in iraq and afganistan they are a country made up of muslims. And in America, there is a bigger population of Christians Living here. So its like Christians vs. Muslims.

President Barack Obama can use the lessons taught today of the crusades to think about where the wars are taking us.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rameez because if we didn't learn about the crusaders than we wouldn't understand what is going on now and we wouldn't of learned from our mistakes and still make the same ones.

The popularity of religion in the united states are christians and afghanistan's poplulation are mostly muslims so if they attack, the other people have to defend themselves.

Barack Obama can learn what they did wrong, and what they did right, and so he can realize how the war is affecting all the countires involved.

Anonymous said...

1) School is require us to learn about the crusaders because so we can see how war does not help no one and it can help us really understand the war going on right now
2) I will agree with Jose and Shola when they said "America is a country that is mostly Christians and Iraq is a Muslim Country." I agree because its true we are at war with Iraq and Afghanistan.
3)Barack Obama can use the crusades as an example of what's going on now in Iraq and see that it won't make scene at the end.

Anonymous said...

1) School is require us to learn about the crusaders because so we can see how war does not help no one and it can help us really understand the war going on right now
2) I will agree with Jose and Shola when they said "America is a country that is mostly Christians and Iraq is a Muslim Country." I agree because its true we are at war with Iraq and Afghanistan.
3)Barack Obama can use the crusades as an example of what's going on now in Iraq and see that it won't make scene at the end.

Anonymous said...

i agree with shola beacuse we should be thought about crusades. Kevin

Anonymous said...

I disagree with what Rameez said because he said that the Crusades is still going on, when in actuality a similar situation is occurring currently in the Middle East.